When dealing with failures in Elixir (or Erlang), it’s common to use OTP supervisors and restarts instead of coding defensively and try to predict all that may go wrong. But at the beggining, one might ask a question: “Ok, restarting the process is cool, but what about its state? I don’t want to loose it!” And it’s a perfectly valid question.

After all, one of the the reasons to use processes is to keep some application state in it. If that state is important and cannot be recreated (e.g. data from the users), we want to be sure that it’s not lost after the failure. Loosing the state permanently might be unacceptable.

At this point it’s quite natural to come up with a solution: let’s just add another process which is responsible for keeping the state from before the failure. We can just use Process.flag(:trap_exit, true) and send the current state to the other process in the terminate/2 callback. Then, after the restart, we can load it in the init/1:

defmodule MyApp.Server do
  use GenServer

  # ...

  def init(_) do
    Process.flag(:trap_exit, true)
    state = MyApp.Backup.fetch_state()
    {:ok, state}

  # ...

  def terminate(_reason, state) do

So what’s wrong?

I saw this solution a few times now (I think it was even mentioned in Dave Thomas’ “Programming Elixir” book). To be honest, I implemented it myself once in the project I was working on a few months ago. But after taking a step back to rething this approach, I just reverted all the changes. Let me tell you why.

In my opinion this approach misses an important point of the “Let it crash!” philosophy. After all, the idea behind restarting the process is to revert it to a correct state. When restoring the state from before the crash, how can we be sure that the state was correct? This is making the process behaviour less predictable. In my experience, the incorrect state is often the reason of the failure. In such cases, restoring the state may make the process crash again and again.

OTP has a way to prevent such infinite failures (each supervisor will try to restart the process only limited number of times before terminating itself) but it’s not perfect. The limit may be set too high to trigger the supervision termination. If your supervisor can tolerate 5 failures in 3 seconds (which is the default) and your process only received the message every 5 seconds, it will just keep failing forever. Another scenario is that the crashes might happen randomly and setting the correct limit might be hard or even impossible.

And even if the supervisor terminates eventually, all its children will be terminated. For example: consider using a supervisor with 10 child processes. Even though 9 of them are working perfectly fine, the failure of one of them might result in terminating all 10 processes. And we were told that processes should keep the failures isolated! One failing process should never make another one crash if they don’t depend on each other.


After all, we really don’t want to lose the state of the process every time a failure occurs. So what to use instead? I think there are a few solutions.

I think the best way is to use processes the way they are supposed to be used: to isolate failures. Instead of restoring the state after the crash, let’s make the crash less possible. If you think that some operation might crash, just spin off another process (e.g. a Task) and send the original process the results if they’re available. Then, if the process crashes in spite of this isolation, it’s probably safe to assume that the process state is invalid and let the supervisor handle the failure.

Another way is often forgotten. We heard “let it crash!” so often that we might forget that there’s another way. Sometime we can just go back to being more defensive and try to prevent the crash (checking if something is not nil is the simplest example). While it’s not often used, simple try and rescue can sometimes be really helpful (especially when using external libraries we don’t control).

Of course you might still want to restore the state after the restart (caused be a crash of the process or after the restart of the entire VM). If it’s the case, I’d go with storing the state in a permanent storage after every transition instead of saving it in the terminate/2 callback. There’s plenty of options for the storage: you can just use plain old database, dets or go with event sourcing.


I think it’s really amazing that Elixir gives us tools to easily implement a mechanism to restore the process state after it crashes. But be careful and don’t just blindly use this without thinking of the consequences. To be honest, I’m yet to see a use case which will justify such behaviour. I think that it’s much better to make sure that the state is well protected instead of trying to recreate it after the failure (now go and read this amazing post about error kernels). After all, it’s not about just letting it crash, it’s about letting it crash in a predictable way to be able to make the error handling simpler.

Did I miss something?

Of course, I would really like to hear about good use cases for restoring the process state. There’s no comment box yet, but if you have anything to add, just send me an email at maciej@mkaszubowski.pl or tweet me at @mkaszubowski94 and I’ll be happy to add your comment at the bottom of this article.